jueves, 13 de noviembre de 2008

Is near sourcing right for your company? Guatemala, Central America

Guatemala is a country located in Central America and is a short flight from the United States of America. The distance between Guatemala City and Los Angeles is less than Los Angeles to Miami or New York. A five hour flight. Even less time to Houston Texas.

In Guatemala city you will find at least 7 five stars hotels within a 10 to 20 minutes trip from the Guatemalan international airport.

It is a great benefit to be located in the same continent. There are advantages of being just a short distance away. Time saved is money saved.

The number of bilingual students in high school and university levels in the technology and information field is large and growing every year.

Please feel free to contact me so we can discuss the possibilities of lowering your development costs by OUTSOURCING your system analysis, programming, implementation and data processing needs and let my 30 years of development experience benefit your Company.

Eduardo Arrecis

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